Mangoes is considered as golden orbs of tropical delight and they are good powerhouses of antioxidants. These vital compounds act as vigilant guardians, shielding our body cells from the harmful elements. Consequently, our bodies remain in better positon and resilient.
The nutrients in mangoes is a key for our skin; It has much amounts of vitamin C that a key element in maintaining our skin health. Beyond these benefits mangoes can even decrease the visible signs of aging.
Despite their very sweetness mangoes can be allies in the battle against the diseases. A single cup of this fruit contains 2.6 grams of fiber and a mere 100 calories. The fiber ensures a good feeling of fullness, decreasing of unnecessary snacking. Mangoes can be a smart choice for weight control.
Mangoes can increase our immune defenses. It is very rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and C and they can fortify the immune system, enhancing our body’s resilience. The fiber in mangoes which is acknowledged for its digestive benefits that helps cleanse the colon and aids digestion. Fiber is instrumental in decreasing blood sugar levels and it lowers bad cholesterol, and even give us safety from heart disease.
Recent research show that it has potential of mangoes in combating certain cancers. It has the very level of antioxidants. Lutein and zeaxanthin are particularly abundant in ripe mangoes and it makes them excellent sources of vitamin A and beta carotene. Collectively, these nutrients are very important for maintain the eye health. Consuming mangoes meets half of the daily requirement for vitamin C, alongside 8 percent of the daily needs for vitamins A and B6.