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Henley Passport Index ranks the passport based on global mobility spectrum with exclusive data from the International Air Transport Authority

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Here are 10 most powerful passports in the world

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Singapore has topped the list with the passport holders getting chance to visit 192 countries visa-free

192 Countries

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Germany, Italy and Spain are on second position with its residents having visa free access to 190 countries

190 Countries

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On number third are Austria, Finland, France, Japan, Luxembourg, South Korea and Sweden

189 Countries

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UK, Ireland, Denmark and Netherlands are next on the list with its citizens free to travel to 188 countries without visa

188 Countries

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Norway, Belgium, Czech, Republic, Malta, New Zealand, Portugal, Switzerland are on number 5

187 Countries

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186 Countries

On number 6 are Australia, Hungary and Poland where citizens can have visa-free travel to 186 nations

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185 Countries

Canada and Greece are also in Top 10 with access to 185 countries in the world

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